PRIMAS exchange Portal
With the PRIMAS exchange portal, you always have your data transferred to and from PRIMAS in front of you.
You are already using PRIMAS exchange, but you would like to have a better overview of the transfer of your test equipment and measurement data from and to PRIMAS? The PRIMAS exchange portal meets your individual needs and requirements. In addition to the daily updated dashboard of transferred data and certificates, the portal offers you many other advantages.
Your benefits at a glance:
- Access to transferred data regardless of location and time
- Simple and intuitive operation
- No additional cost
Are you already a PRIMAS exchange customer? Take a look at your personal portal:
What is behind the PRIMAS exchange?
With the help of PRIMAS Exchange an automated data exchange between your MES/CAQ system and your calibration service provider is possible. The data required for calibration is transmitted via an individual interface Calibration directly and encrypted to Testo Industrial Services. Always be up to date with PRIMAS exchange without manual maintenance and benefit from the advantages of standardized data transmission via VDI/VDE 2623.