PRIMAS connect as web service for automated accesses
Do you need essential information about your test equipment directly within your processes and do you currently have an increased manual effort? Then PRIMAS connect is the right IT solution for you.
PRIMAS connect is a web service that provides automated access to PRIMAS online or, more precisely, to all data in the data system of Testo Industrial Services that can be obtained via PRIMAS online. Using a REST API, test equipment master data and calibration certificates are automatically retrieved directly from customer systems/applications or documents and integrated into the value-added process.
The identification/authentication is done via a customer-specific token, which enables automated access without prior registration at PRIMAS online. Through this so-called Web-API, necessary master data, such as the status of the test equipment, as well as the latest certificates can be retrieved. Via PRIMAS connect calls (hyperlinks) from customer systems/applications or documents are possible. The master data is returned in machine-readable VDI format as XML or as JSON, which enables the customer to integrate the retrieved information directly into his own process.
Via PRIMAS connect you can retrieve the following data, among others:
- Test equipment master data and lists
- Calibration certificates
- Validity information
- Information about your order data
Your advantage: Our competence
- Current data available in your process at any time
- Complete integration into your existing system
- Automatic updating of test equipment and order data
- Authentication via individual token
- No prior registration in the system necessary
PRIMAS connect - an interview with our PRIMAS expert

Typical application examples:
Before an employee starts a production line, the availability of the respective test equipment must be checked. The system is not released until the status and due date of the test equipment have been checked successfully. For this purpose, the employee identifies himself at the system with his personal ID card. Within the scope of this login process, web service requests are sent in the background via PRIMAS connect, which query the status and the current due date of the assigned test equipment. The status query is thus directly integrated into your process and always takes place after the initial integration with the help of the individual token.
In a regulation for the testing of product properties at one of our customers, it is necessary that the test equipment used for the applied test steps has a respective valid calibration certificate. By clicking on the corresponding link in the customer's test specification, the last calibration certificate is called up and displayed in a window for inspection. If the document is missing, appropriate measures can be defined within the test specification.
After the test equipment calibration, employees from the logistics department receive the test euqimpents back and have to assign them to the respective departments. This is possible either with a high manual effort or by using a simple Excel workbook with integrated PRIMAS connect token. Here, the test equipment number can be typed into a predefined field or even entered by scan. With the help of PRIMAS connect and the individual token a query is made in the background which location is assigned to the test equipment.
Our test equipment management IT solutions

PRIMAS online & mobile
Internet-based test equipment management system PRIMAS - also for on the road

PRIMAS exchange
Automated data exchange between your MES/CAQ system and your calibration service provider

PRIMAS validated
The validated test equipment management solution for GxP-regulated areas
Success stories
We support you in your projects and are committed to your goals. Here you will find an excerpt of our successful customer projects in the field of test equipment management.
To read
Discover our comprehensive service portfolio. As a full-service provider in the field of measurement technology, we are your optimal calibration service provider.