Professional test equipment management
Testo Industrial Services GmbH was able to convince with its individual PRIMAS concept. The complete service package, from calibration to logistics, meets the quality standards of Richard Wolf GmbH.
The products of Richard Wolf GmbH are known for their quality. It is not without reason that the company has earned its place at the forefront of endoscopic diagnosis and therapy in human and veterinary medicine over the past 100 years. Professional test equipment management is an important cornerstone for ensuring and guaranteeing product quality. In Testo Industrial Services they have found a trustworthy and reliable partner for this task. An individual PRIMAS concept, tailored to Richard Wolf GmbH, forms the framework for the requirements.
Richard Wolf GmbH would like to have a test equipment management system that is individually tailored to their needs. The solution should cover the complete process, from test equipment management including calibration, to organisation and documentation. Quality and reliability are essential. The desired requirements were worked out and coordinated in a project.
Your advantage: Our competence
- Calibration of the test equipment of various measured quantities in the accredited laboratories
- Management of the complete calibration and test equipment data via PRIMAS online
- Standard compliant documentation with all necessary information
- Individually defined cycle for the collection and delivery service of the test equipment
- Appointment monitoring with PRIMAS online
Mehr über unsere Services

PRIMAS online
Internet based test equipment management software for securing test equipment requirements

Accreditation & Certification
Accreditation as calibration and testing laboratory

Collection and Delivery service
Safe transport of your high-quality test equipment

Service portfolio
Your partner for calibration, test equipment management, qualification and validation