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Whistleblower protection

Information for whistleblowers

Testo attaches great importance to compliance with all legal regulations and the Code of Conduct as well as other internal guidelines.

Our whistleblower system is designed to give you the opportunity to report concerns about misconduct and/or violations of the above-mentioned regulations. Human rights or environmental complaints relating to our supply chain are also possible.

We do not tolerate sanctions against whistleblowers who express their concerns to the best of their knowledge. However, the whistleblower system must not be used to knowingly spread false accusations and information.

You can also submit your report anonymously. However, we encourage you to include your name in the message. The information will be processed by the Testo Compliance Team. If you would like a personal appointment, please let us know when you register.

Employees, business partners, customers or other third parties have the opportunity to report compliance violations quickly and easily at any time via the following reporting channels:

The contact details for submitting information are as follows:

Testo Industrial Services Ltd
c/o Testo SE & Co. KGaA
Compliance Team
Celsiusstr. 2
79822 Titisee-Neustadt

This report may be forwarded to the Compliance Team of Testo SE & Co. KGaA (parent company of Testo Industrial Services GmbH) for further processing.

Whistleblower form


Contact Details
Contact Details
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Do you still have questions?
Then take a look at our FAQ below. Alternatively, you can contact the above-mentioned registration office directly.
Please note the data protection information.


Frequently asked questions

Our Testo whistleblower system is intended for reporting violations of laws or the Testo Code of Conduct and other internal guidelines. In particular, you can report facts, information or misconduct on the topics listed below as examples:

  • Discrimination / Harassment
  • Bribery / corruption / conflicts of interest
  • competition law
  • Fraud / financial crime
  • Product safety

You can use the whistleblower system to report concerns about misconduct quickly and easily. Human rights or environmental complaints regarding our supply chain are also possible.

However, the whistleblower system is not intended for complaints about products, services, employees, etc. This means that reports and questions about product and system support such as repairs and complaints cannot be processed here. Please contact your Testo sales partner for this.

The whistleblower system may also not be used to knowingly make false accusations or knowingly report false information.

The Testo whistleblower system has been set up for persons who have obtained information about misconduct/compliance violations in a professional context. Therefore, in addition to Testo employees, all other (external) persons working under the supervision and management of contractors, subcontractors and suppliers can also submit information and reports.

As a whistleblower, you are protected by Testo. We do not tolerate any sanctions against whistleblowers who report facts suspected of misconduct to the best of their knowledge.

You therefore do not have to expect any disadvantages, provided that you have made your report on the basis of concrete evidence and you are convinced to the best of your knowledge and belief that the information you have passed on is correct.

Your report will be submitted to the Testo Compliance Team.

It is also possible to submit your report anonymously. In this case, however, the Testo Compliance Team will not be able to enter into a direct dialogue with you, ask questions or request further information. We are also unable to provide you with any feedback on the further procedure and the results. If you still wish to remain anonymous, please provide as much information, details and, if possible/available, documents that support your suspicions.

The Testo Compliance Team will only have sufficient investigative approaches and options for penalising and preventing violations and misconduct if it has sufficient concrete information.

If you wish to remain anonymous, please also note that you:

  • do not create/submit your report from your employer's computer
  • do not use a computer that is connected to a company network
  • access the Testo reporting system by directly entering the URL address xyz and not by clicking on a link
  • do not include any personal data in the report

If you have not submitted an anonymous report, Testo will first confirm receipt of your report promptly via your specified contact channel.

Furthermore, Testo will inform you about the planned/realised follow-up measures after a corresponding processing time (usually after 3 months). Of course, this is only possible if you have not submitted the report anonymously.

The Testo Compliance Team will follow up on your reports of violations through internal investigations.

The confidentiality of your identity and your report will be protected. Your report is only known to the members of the compliance team through encryption routines. All information will be treated in strict confidence.

The members of the Testo Compliance Team are obliged to maintain confidentiality and have sufficient expertise to process your report.

However, fairness also requires that the interests of the affected (possibly "accused") employees worthy of protection be taken into account. The presumption of innocence initially applies to these "affected persons".

If misconduct is established, follow-up measures will of course be initiated.

The answer to this question and further information on data protection can be found here.